It was such an amazing experience to serve along side you, I felt very lucky to be a part of your life. I truly believe we connected in an amazing way. We looked amazing serving Mistress Carrie together the way she deserves. I have always said in the past my owner deserves another slave someone to suit her needs as well as my own. The needs I had were very simple I just wanted to help you along your journey so that someone could relate to that amazing feeling I have from my slavery to her. I hold the conversations that we had very dear to my heart. You have a great heart and I think you are a very strong beautiful person despite the low opinion of yourself there are many people who love and care about you. I miss having you in my life in the worst way. I felt so proud kneeling next to you at events and looking to my left to see you walking on your leash with your hands behind your back radiating such a glow of happiness from someone so down all the time. The energy felt when Mistress Carrie played with both of us was beautiful it was those times that made me remember why I wanted to be a slave. I am sorry we didnt get along at times but your emotions are out of control I am aware this cannot be helped. I feel bad that I was so impatient with your disorder but we all have our own way of doing things I am sorry ours was not the same. Never have I seen someone so happy to be of service, you were so very protective of Mistress Carrie that I felt comfortable knowing you could take care of her if I could not and that ment the world to me. As I figured from the beginning your emotions got the best of you and you could no longer handle being a servant. I was far to emotionally invested in you as my sister but i think I wouldnt have had it any other way. The bond shared between slave is uncanny so very strong and I just took a deep breath and let it all in that could have been a mistake but im really not sure. I still feel betrayed by your actions. Very hurt. I was always cautious because of the love you had for andrew seemed to be far greater than the love you had for Mistress Carrie. It showed very clear, from the moment you tried to top me I could tell you were acting and that it really wasnt you it seemed so very forced and unnatural. But when you were serving you seemed so at peace and real. I spent alot of time sticking up for you to both my Mistress and friends in the community so I feel very stupid when I was proven wrong. I am going on the basis that you could not control your actions that the emotional wall you put up cannot be broken down by anyone. The love I felt for you and even your children was very powerful I put myself out there only to have my heart broken. I took this far harder than my Mistress i guess its because I spent so much time with you and we were on the same level you just seemed to fit in so well. I am sorry beyond words to see you leave this family.
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