Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I had something really good to write but i have no idea what it was I completely forgot that really sucks, I guess I can take some time to talk about collars and what they mean . Once upon a time there was a boy who was always in a collar for play for everyday life for anything he had always just assumed that collars where just something worn not something earned. Then a girl came into this boys life and changed all about what he thought. Because the boy loved being on a leash and love to feel that closeness and connection with his owner but with out a collar that was not possible. The girl had a very beautiful collar that she had taunted the boy with the hopes of one day wearing. So the boy worked very hard to wear the collar and did everything he could to learn of its importance. Until one day the collar was place around his eager neck and the boy was to touched and overwhled with joy the he wheped in the arms of that girl for quite some time. This boy then learned a very important lesson that a collar is a symbol of commitment and ownership. Not just something what you wear just to wear.

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