Wednesday, April 6, 2011

good conversation

it thought it would post a very good exchange between a local friend in the BDSM community...
slave ashe: yea carrie and I often have this discussion and we thought we were pretty low protocol but after seeing many of the so called slaves espically males it is just insane to think this is acceptable

puckpal: Well, oddly, I actually don't care what they do. What bothers me is the fact that they post crap and expect that people have any kind of respect for them... Or should respect them. I find it insulting to the people I do respect.

slave ashe: I agree but it is also their actions on fet that protray them to be somone they are no such as Ms Lisa girl or slave or what ever she is a slave she says she speaks as a slave on fetlife she acts as a slave on fetlife but sat was the first bdsm related event she had ever been to and she didnt act as she is on fetlife by any strect of the imagination and again she is one of those fly by night collarings

puckpal: I still have the emails of her asking if I would top her and now she wants to call herself miss whatever? Yeah, not likely.

slave ashe: LMAO
slave ashe: wow

puckpal: Don't get me wrong... I know lots of bottoms (of whatever stripe) who became great tops but I just don't see her as some kind of kinky prodigy.

slave ashe: well thats not really a strech I mean carrie was a slave for 3 years and has bottomed for many people in the community though she is very secure in her role as a Mistress so I cant say much there

puckpal: Yeah... I agree... The hypocrisy kills me.

slave ashe: and no I agree ..I watched Ms lisa play with that girl on sat night and it was painful to watch she was using a single tail and from what i saw had never done it before because it would just wrap around and hit her in the side and tummy and shit it was fucking horrible to watch this fucking amature hour and this lady use a toy far to advanced for her knowladge

puckpal: Lol... Clearly typing at the same time... Like I said... Bottoms topping has never been my issues... Even slaves who become masters/mistresses makes sense to me... From people who have been around long enough to get a sense of themselves... Have some kind of real life experience.

puckpal: Oh... Don't get me started... I have messages from Kristy complaining to me about how "miss Lisa" was pressuring her to add her as a play partner on fet... Now evidently they are equals... Gag.
puckpal: That's why all of this seems just so absurd.

slave ashe: yes I agree i have toped and been served mainly for experince or to make somone happy because this lifestyle is all I have thought about most of life it has remained the one constant so being young and very experinced I feel insulted that people seem to find this lifestyle a tredy outlet for kinky sex these days

puckpal: And that tiemeup guy that is involved with them? He stole a picture off my profile and posted it on his own... Only took it down when everyone gave him shit for it... Never sent ms an apology though.

slave ashe: yea that dude is real quite I have no idea how he fits in with the clan of white trash that even seems bad by KY standards. I have no idea what his deal is

puckpal: Like I said... If people are in it for the kinky sex that's cool but don't try to build yourself up to be something you are not in a community that will call your bullshit.

puckpal: They all have the same deal... Trying to inflate their own egos.

slave ashe: yes I agree there is no reason to try to hard to be somone else because no matter how hard you try we are not going to respect you for being stupid. I find that most people at least the ones I associate myself with in this community are smart enough to see right thorough that shit

puckpal: I agree... Took me time to find my place so watching people try to shoehorn their way in drives me crazy.

slave ashe: no one has any desire to learn or they are learning from the wrong people things like that drive me nuts to they just seem some random video and decide they are ready to own a slave!
slave ashe: not understanding what an undertaking it is
slave ashe: truly the slave has the easy road
slave ashe: its the owner that does all the work

puckpal: Well, from my perspective... Any kind of top requires a level of personal discipline and I just don't see it with a lot of people.

slave ashe: right it takes alot of it to really own somone and what green gazer and Ms Lisa have are just play partners that dont know any better

puckpal: Yep... And maybe that's just it... Having to watch ignorance take advantage of a greater ignorance... Oddly when I see new bottoms in the community get involved with tops one of my questions is whether or not they will get good experiences and a good introduction to the lifestyle. I've seen people show up, get involved with assholes and leave thinking that the tops they had were the best the community had to offer. I find it sad.

slave ashe: my thoghts exactally and that crew we speak of seem to be kind of to them selves just like a little pocket of our community who seem to share info and idea with eachother in a circle of ignorance that leads to nowhere

puckpal: So I double checked... Exactly 7 months ago, she had no idea what a munch was... So there you have it.

slave ashe: L
slave ashe: M
slave ashe: A
slave ashe: O

puckpal: Well that was then, this is now... My next week she will change her title to goddess or some shit.
slave ashe: "your royal highness owner of many"

puckpal: Many delusions maybe.

slave ashe: hahaha
slave ashe: well i went to my fist munch time to get me some slaves !

puckpal: Or, we met at a party, you should be my slave... I mean seriously... Under consideration? What are you considering her for? The lead in an off broadway version of cats?
slave ashe: i heard she cleans a trailer really well ...that poor girl ....the sad thing is ...every one cant stand her paula that is and Carrie was going to train her to be something respected able and an asset to the community but i was that very same night that she magically became under concideration so Carrie didnt even have the chance to speak to her about it 
puckpal: The blind leading the blind.

slave ashe: truer words have never been said

puckpal: I don't even have the time of day for Paula... I was there that night she was screeching like a banshee... Ruined my night... I could hear her from the smoking room... With both doors closed from the suspension rig... Implement being used? A feather duster! I just kind of wrote her off.

slave ashe: yea that was my first munch in louisville i think Carrie wanted a project more than anything just to show she could mold her into something worth a fuck because when not being played with shes actually pretty respectful ...but yea she has no grasp of what its about and now she never will

puckpal: And education breeds education... Which means she goes out in public pushing her poor education as 'the way it is' and it may lead someone else down the same ignorant path. That whole thing will blow up shortly I think anyway.

slave ashe: that i think to just give it time if she has any desire to be a real part of this lifestyle then she will realize they are no kind of trainers and it will fall apart...if not then she was made for that group

puckpal: I swear to god... I want to update my profile so that it says that I have mcdonalds, burger king and Wendy's under consideration for lunch... I'm going to put every decision I ever make up in public as under consideration.

slave ashe: yea because those are just as trivial of a decision as the ones they are makeing

puckpal: Exactly... Gonna collar me some lunch.

slave ashe: im gonna own this big mac

puckpal: My experience is that Paula has poor judgement with the people she chooses to get involved with... She's young, naive and foolish and is using the lifestyle for personal validation. As a result bad people will tell her what she wants to hear instead of what she needs to hear and she'll get used.
slave ashe: 100% agree again she just doesnt now any better and if she follows these clowns around she never will, the fact that she is young means there is still room to correct and fix what is wrong

puckpal: Then she will move from relationship to relationship rather than getting her own shit together... Not understanding that being a good bottom means being a good, secure, self confident person.

slave ashe: as carrie and I have also spoken about bottoms and espically slaves are some of the strongest people becaus eyou have to be very secure with who you are and have a good understanding of your self to submit to someone else...thats like this boy she is training we dont think hes going to work for her because he is spineless and not at all secure and thats not good qualities in a submissive

puckpal: Nope... And sadly, that's the part you can't train... You can certainly help people find themselves but often, they don't want to be found, as it were... For them, bottoming is an escape... A means for not having to accept responsibility for yourself... You can blame failure on your top and claim success for being a good botto

slave ashe: very well said sir

puckpal: Thanks... My new motto is going to be: before you get a slave, get a clue.

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