Friday, April 22, 2011


Punishment is one of the most important things for a slave, it means more than just correcting a mistake. It means that your owner took the time to make sure you learn from that mistake. A firm hand guiding you take you so far and the care if take to correct someones behavior is such a primal urge there is no reason not to give into it. A punishment means that you may have messed up but there will be a tomorrow and that you can try harder to please your owner. I feel amazing after a punishment I feel as if all the planets are aligned and everything is right with the world. Punishments come in all shapes and sizes so to speak they can range from a firm handed spanking to writing lines. But one of the worst things you can do for a slave is suspended the very thing that keeps them going in day to day life...their slavery. Because with out the right to be a slave they are just nothing just a normal person feeling empty and in limbo wondering weather or not the privilege of being a slave will ever be reinstated. For some a punishment is a test of strength and devotion, some people crack under this pressure and find that slavery is not infact for them. But one who is truly devoted to its owner will punish them selves far worse than their owner could ever do. I know for me there has been more than once I have felt so bad about disappointing my owner that it has brought me to tears. Also I have witnessed my sister go through the same thing during her first time disappointing her owner. We are all human and even owners make mistakes but what is most important is learning and evolving from them.

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