Thursday, April 21, 2011

letter to Miss Maggi

You are amazing and beautiful, it is a pleasure and an honor to both serve along side you and serve you. Thank you for sharing your home with us and opening your heart. You are a wonderful person and it means to much that you are apart of our lives. Rarely a I speechless but last night during the most beautiful breakdown I have ever witnessed I was. It was amazing to see you so vulnerable and to watch Miss Carrie comfort you and take care of you it was almost as if you were reborn in her arms. I recall it happening to me a few times before but to watch it from the outside is one of those things you will only witness maybe one in a lifetime. The energy felt in that room must have echoed through the atmosphere. Thank you for allowing be to witness such an amazing thing. You once asked me what I feel the diffrence between a submissive and a slave is and I can surely tell you that that extreme emotional bond one feels with its owner the one that you felt last night and the one I am sure you are still feeling is a very big difference. Not a feeling that of love but a feeling that no matter where you are or what you are doing you are being guided, watched, and cared for. A feeling that in all truth is one I have never found words to describe but it is a more extreme love and passion that is unlike anything I have ever felt before and this feeling is the same for no 2 people alike. This feeling is such an intense feeling of trust and safety that noting is scared because you feel one with that person. Miss Carrie told me yesterday she had thought about you as being hers and smiled. Which doesn't seem like much but for her it is alot I assure you. She is very selective and has taken quite a liking to you. You had said that you needed her and she caressed your head and said "Mine" is a soft sweet voice. But it was such a powerful thing to say and even as she was leaving this morning she said "I like her :)" to me.  She had told me that everything happens for a reason and it would appear that the off chance that you invited us into your home may have brought us all together for a greater purpose.

PS you will find that everything here is spelled right only because I used Google chrome <3

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