Thursday, February 17, 2011

Don't Deprive yourself

I spoke to a friend today (who will not be named) about what about being submissive he didnt like. Mind you this person considers himself a dom. But in his everyday life his girl controls him so much she has trained him to break certain habits that she disapproves of. Because he loves her he is willing to comply to everything she asks and to the untrained eye he would seem like a slave. So I had wondered to myself is he really and just doesnt want to admit it? Because I know the amazing feeling I get from being owned and I would hate to someone to miss out on that sensation just because they are living in denial. So I asked him I said, "your really 90% submissive anyway whats the other 10% gonna hurt" He said that he had been emotionally and physically traumatized but past girls. That he was scared because he didnt want to loose the girl he had. That he didnt like pain and it even made him feel uncomfortable when his girl raised her voice at him. (which she does often) In his mind he is the Dom he explained that he feels like he should make the rules and he should be the bread winner and he should have the control. Because to him being a submissive makes you less of a man. I then explained to him that I am in fact one of the strongest people I know I am generally an alpha male in everything I do I have used countless women with out caring about them. I usually have to be the best at everything I do. But I know where I belong and do you know why i know that? Because I tried it and you will never know what you truly enjoy until you try it and believe me trying what ever you can to save a relationship you truly care about is worth what ever it takes, I explained.  He said he was still scared and it was so hard for him to let go of these grandiose thoughts and dreams he has all to be altered just to save the one he loves from leaving. I told him its ok to be scared its natural to fear the unknown, I explained to him the power of my submission is so great that when I am at my owners feet I fear nothing because I am nothing I am only a small part of something much greater than anything, a bond stronger than anything, a love, a passion even to great for me to understand and if that is something that he wants to feel there is nothing wrong with trying. Will he do it I doubt it but it was sure worth a try...

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