Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Its few and far between you receive a good old fashioned hand written letter, when you do it feels so special you know that person really put they're heart into it. We are in an age when things like that just no longer have a place. The letter I revived from my Mistress ment the world to me, it filled my heart with such great joy the same way she does. Still even today it brightens my day I wish every one could feel this wonderful feeling I have, it is a   feeling of such pride, a feeling that everything will always be ok, a feeling that there is so much greater in this world than petty problems, a feeling a beauty and appreciation for everything around me. As I read this letter and held back my tears all these thoughts flowed through me like rain it was as if she was the only thing in the world like a bright light at the end of a dark passage, only the light never ends it just keeps going for the rest of your life.

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