Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dr. Jerk

I always have so much to write about in the back of my mind but when I go to write I feel like I waited to long and have forgotten all the things that were on my mind. This is the only outlet I has because as a slave I have trouble expressing myself to my owner verbally so I am lucky enough to have this journal. Mistress is getting a cat scan today to see if there is anything seriously wrong with her and to be honest it scares me to death. I do not trust doctors and I feel like they do unnecessary things just to scare you into spending money. I pushed this to the back of my mind until the very last second when she was leaving and I was kneeling hugging her leg realizing that she is going to the hospital to get the same thing they use to scan for cancer and other serious things. I hope there is nothing wrong with her, I dont know how I would live with out her. I dont want anything to be wrong with her but if anything ever was she is my best friend and I will take care of her always. Mistress Carrie has alot of strength and in her mind nothing is wrong and these doctors are just wasting her time and I admire that but it still scares me just the thought of hospitals, I hate it. Thinking of them putting the one thing I care about more than any thing in some machine. to check for some mystery problem. I feel like they just make stuff up as they go along. They cant function with out your money so they will run you around doing all sorts of stuff just to do it when in fact nothing is wrong at all. At least I truly hope this is the case because I worship and adore my Mistress she is the most important thing to me and will always be.

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